"Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning." Bill Gates As I walked up onto the stage of the large auditorium at the Congre Istanbul Merkezi (Istanbul Congress Center), with my partner of twelve years, Najat Rizk, to collect our AllWorld Network Arabia 500 medals, I was reminded of Bill Gates' …

Cash-flow is more important than your mother…

Second Global Entrepreneur Summit Day Two 'Cash flow is more important than your mother.' quote by Professor Kenneth Morse What makes a tired, jaded and somewhat disheartened Arab woman entrepreneur sit up, take notice and regain her enthusiasm? It could be the fact that the sessions today, at the Second Global Entrepreneur Summit and AllWord …

Inflection Point

The second Global Entrepreneur Summit, Istanbul and AllWorld Arabia 500 + Turkey Day One All's changed, changed utterly, a terrible beauty is born. William Butler Yeats quoted by US Vice President Joe Biden at the second Global Entrepreneurship summit in Istanbul today Saturday 3 December 2011. Woke up this morning feeling cranky. Gluttony is so …